There is a phrase that is the **stink of enlightenment**-- a prime example of it is .... Reaching a point where one can say all the right things BUT thinking one is above the world and now they are some type of higher being and that the world is going to cater to them... There is no **mundane** versus not, and no one is above the world --- one is in the world but not of it --- that doesn't mean above it though... it simply means that one is not deluded or drawn in or lost within some false view of the world... One enters into the Play of God --- it ALL becomes Lila no matter what one is doing it doesn't mean one runs away from responsibilities. That one is above it. Before Enlightenment one chops wood and carries water and AFTER enlightenment one chops wood and carries water... One doesn't bum around - speak flowery words and think that others should cater to them... Neither does it mean that you can do whatever you damn well please without consequences to your actions -- Karma for that one is still in place... There is nothing worse than to encounter the stink of enlightenment... One example of this was a supposed Enlightened Being that was procreating all over europe and then saying well it was the womens fault for sleeping with him as they knew he is not involved with anything - that he is in vairagya .. (That has nothing to do with Vairagya at all) Oh he traveled around giving Satsangs and they sounded good on the surface but there was no regard for honoring **any** responsibilities... After all responsibilities are for the unenlightened that are in the world... He is now above it... Let's look at another one -- Adi Da aka Ladi da... So above it all that he had a harem of women... Claimed to be above Jesus Christ and all other Guru's on the planet... Is that Enlightenment ? No it's having re-rooted into the stench of enlightenment ego... Does Enlightenment bring into place being beyond everything without consequences ? NO .... Does it make one a less authentic human being ? NO .... One becomes rather more Ordinary... Living life as it comes --- without fanfare --- without running away.. without grandiosity ... Another of these prime examples is Nithyananda --- claiming to be Enlightened and a Brahmachari and yet having sex with many of the devotees all the while claiming to be beyond it all and without desires or lust .... and having no responsibility to these actions... He is not Krishna reborn and that was not lila but sex pure and simple... He is defrauding the people in the name of Enlightenment... It stinks.... Maybe these guys had openings -- maybe the ultimate truth was seen... remembered ... spoke about... but a mind that is Still and Dead when within a Living Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi is within a place where one lives a life of equity... of fairness to others. it's not about am out to satisfy myself first and foremost... after all i am the center of the universe --- i am the universe --- there are no others ..... This is the delusion of the grand spiritual cosmic ego... It is not the actions where there is no Me that remains to be entranced by chasing desires... Ones desires are now within the realm of Vairagya - dispassion.. One does not chase after them they no longer run the show... OM Shanti
It is a very sad day when a Guru has a Sadahaka that goes so far along the way then falls into delusion again... And so this is the perfect time to talk about what it takes to enter Full Realization... Full Realization is ONLY Full Realization when the moving mind has died and been fully submerged in the Unchanging IS... Until that point one may have glimpsed the Absolute and may be in and out of Non-duality to Duality swinging back and forth like a pendulum... Moments of Clarity but then mind rises and another wash of mental debris covers the clarity.. Once the Absolute is glimpsed it may be recalled and spoken of ... This does not mean that it is fully present as a Living Reality. What can happen is the worst of scenarios --- Absolute may be glimpsed and the swinging back and forth may take place with a spiritual ego arising... This is the most difficult ego to cut through... For now it is off to save the world and give it's very **special ** truth... There is at that point a running and chasing after (as has been said by our falling sage) an attempt to stabalize by reading unauthorized texts. This only serves to feed the spiritual ego rather than cutting it at the roots... Any Intellectual knowledge isn't going to bouy up Truth that is beyond the intellectual holdings... Truth is the Unknowing beyond knowing... It is like Intellect stripped bare of all it's collected ideas and ideals - Primal - Pure - Without content... One is not finished with the path when things recede having glimpsed the Absolute Truth... The ME may appear to be dead but has only receded temporarily and may reemerge with mind that again begins to move and create looking to sustain this Bliss and Truth... Glimpsing the Truth This is only the Starting point. UNTIL a Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi remains it is not Full Realization... The Most UNFORTUNATE thing is that the one that has had this temporary abidance may now enter that time of Everything is Illusion - There is nothing to get -- Nowhere to go... NeoAdvaita speak will arise to fuel their agenda of self talk that they are done... They may fool others for a time... But time will tell... Yes all go through this transient stage of All the world is an illusion... But this gives way to it coming back into view as Reality and NOT Two - Not Two... When this doesn't come back into view then there is yet further to go --- more to be cut... All one can do as a Guru is to give the Truth of the situation to that Sadhaka... They choose to either stay or to follow that blissfulness that is held with effort... The Bliss of Full Realization is a subtle thing --- Unwavering Stillness that the world rises within and dances for... Just as Shakti danced for Shiva... The world dances before Realization but there is no confusion that remains.... The worst thing to see is when spiritual pride and that spiritual ego rises up and supplants Guru and the Wisdom that is attempting to be imparted... There is a lesson in this --- don't stop half way... Don't come to the point of glimpsing Reality and then turn a blind eye and ear to Guru's promptings which are only to be given for the benefit of your path... Don't chase after unauthorized material and wind up in a confusion for as long as there is yet a moving mind in play --- there is yet ego that is filtering and skewing truth into what it is most inclined to hear and then disregarding that which needs to be heard... Om Shanti Namaste
It's unfortunate that so many people jump on the ** popular ** Guru band wagons and wind up getting taken for a ride. The Golden Age of India is long past.. So many of these "Guru's" are looking for Name & Fame to become World Guru's and have huge organizations complete with adoring minions. This was not the way of genuine Guru's... They worked one to one with the seekers coming. Perhaps some of them are just sincerely deluded and believe their own press.. Am sure that many are justifying their actions because they are setting up so many ** social programs ** to aide others in society. So their deceit can be justified.. But it's not justified. Not Ever. The Sad thing is that with Every Charlatan that comes along it just makes the public sentiment go more viral and distrusting of all Guru's ... After all if even the Guru's from India are being found to be so dishonest then how can we believe that any from the West are going to be any better ? One thing though within the west as here many know that the gravy train isn't going to be found through Name - Fame - nor Monies.. We have gone beyond the mentality of enough programs are going to solve the worlds ills. It takes a fundamental change Within rather than just programs that are going to make life easier overall. Am not saying that there is no need for social programs and educating and changing the backward ways of society. Most Assuredly these things are Needed and Justified to a degree. But don't confuse this with bringing people along to internal Freedom.. Just recently Kalki was exposed --- a few days before another *Swami* in New Delhi with ashrams and temples numerous in number was arrested for running a call girl prostitution ring... Now Nithyananda is caught with his pants down fondling two women and he is claiming to be a celibate and a light to others... They even make a big show of making those coming to hear Satsang watch a video that is extolling his Virtues and claiming he is a Paramahamsa of the highest degree... Yes he can talk a good talk but his actions are NOT in alignment with his words.. He claims to be A Sat Guru but these are not the actions of being a Sat Guru as he is perpetrating a fraud. If he wants to have Sex and chase women then why don the robes of a renunciate and make a big show of being a renunciate ? Simply he is wanting to appear like a Holy Man - like another Vivekananda,Long hair - personable - etc. He is putting forth a show of what people expect a Guru to be and all the while he is making a mockery of it all behind the scenes. It is good in one way that things are coming to light ... But it's amazing to see the people that have been following him defending him rather than coming to terms with the fact he isn't what he is claiming to be... How long will they remain in denial ? Yes films can be doctored but it's quite clear that those films are authentic. If they were fake the actress would be coming forward in outrage. She hasn't... Am sure they probably believed their own press and more than likely are just as deluded as those they are leading down the path as followers. On the surface they all looked good for a short time... Look how quickly though that these organizations grew ----- Why ? Because they are pandering to egos ... Kalki it now comes out was giving drugs to the seekers saying that they were taking something that was cleansing --- and their highs and peak experiences were nothing lasting as it was perpetrated by fraudulent means --- drugs... And these people were being told they were enlightened.. Shameful... Authentic Guru's aren't looking for big crowds... Not looking for the big show... They don't have people out hawking them to the largest bidder. They are going to tell you - you have to do the work and there is no easy way to Enlightenment... One has to be willing to face the death before death... NOW if you want the path to remain in Duality - that is fine too.. That is the path of learning how to roll with the punches -- don't look to deeply within --- learn to manifest and have some inner peace. Nothing wrong with that but be clear that you are not wanting Enlightenment... There are some Real Guru's remaining in the world... There are some true Celibates remaining in the world. Usually the ones with the biggest fanfare and promotion are going to be showmen.. You get what you pay for but buyer beware... What is it you are really wanting to purchase ? Sometimes the dream of spirituality comes with a high price tag... Sometimes they are just to good to be true... Are you looking the illusion of what a Guru would look like ? Or are you looking for what they are giving without all the fanfare surrounding it ? Some want that glittering diamond of a world famous Guru --- after all if thousands are believing in him then he MUST be the real deal --- but most often when thousands are believing in them then what is happening is they are giving a show of what people want to see on the surface ... Pump up the emotions and selling them a ticket on the spiritual ride. If you bought the ticket then look more deeply into what it is you are really looking for ? Is it good looks -- crowds - good works - social programs ? Or is it walking the walk of the Inner Journey which is always traveled alone... Yes there may be others along the way - a community BUT you can't walk through the door of Enlightenment with a crowd cheering crowd.. You can have fun -- make merry -- sing -- dance --- be in the world with worldly endeavors with a crowd Absolutely.. But you aren't going to dissolve or implode into God. Then again most want to Dance with God they don't want to find that only God exists... OM Shanti |
AuthorGuru Swami G Archives
October 2019
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