It is a great sadness to see such a celebratory nature surrounding the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Any terrorist's anger and action comes out of a mental illness and is it also not a mental illness to celebrate his killing ? When is this madness going to end ? As far as giving him a burial according to islamic custom what part of dumping the body in the ocean is going to fly with that ? Do you not think that this is will be seen as just another slap in the face to the radical faction ? Do you not see that this will only serve to inflame the situation even further that now Osama will be held up to be a glorified Martyr and raised to an even greater status of figurehead to fuel the fires of hatred. What does this show the world to see many of a nation out waving flags and celebrating his killing ? Would it not be more in alignment to mourn another death in this back and forth killing spree ? Let's face it all radicals are unbalanced whether the far right Christians or the radical Muslims or the radical Jews in all they polarize themselves and their belief systems into Us versus Them. None is healthy and all have excluded the rest of humanity from also being children of the One God. Our God versus their God only shows the ignorance of understanding there is only ONE GOD. God does not wear the mask of Christian nor Muslim, nor Hindu, nor Buddhist nor Jew. God is beyond and prior to mans trying to name - claim and own God as an item to be paraded around as we are best and right. Our Bible, Our Talmud, Our Koran etc. is the ONLY right scripture to be followed It is more a time for humanity to GET IT. To get what ? That we are ONE Mankind. All have the same emotions - the same wants - the same desires. All want Freedom. All want food in their stomachs and a roof over their head. Most want a family and to be able to have that family prosper. What gives the right to any country to dictate what another country has to do within it's culture ? Should we not CELEBRATE Diversity rather than seeing it as some inherent threat ? Yes radicals need to be taken out of the equation - they cannot be allowed to run rampant ever fueling the fires of the ignorant sheep minded followers. But there also needs to come education of mankind to break the bonds and ignorance that keeps the mental spin of Us versus Them in place. Should this not be done with more of a heavy heart rather than celebration ? What has happened to Humanity ? The Human has been replaced with something that has a hardened heart that bears little resemblance to one nation Under God. Just as the nation of israel hardened their hearts and thereby wandered in the desert for 40 years - that generation missing out of the promised land so does this nation and all nations need to learn from that pointing. Do you want to wander around in the desert of desolation or come into the promised land of peace and plenty ? It is mankind's choice. You create your personal Karma and the nations Karma. What is the future that you wish to encounter ? It is in your hands. May we mourn the deaths of those on all sides who are driven by hatred and anger. May we mourn the deaths of all the innocents on all sides that lose their time on this planet due to the ignorance of hate fueled mentality, as all of this is ugly no matter which side is the perpetrator. So much killing done in the name of righteousness under the banner of religion. So many twisted scriptures that men use to fuel their misdeeds to call them good. When did this Good God full of Life and wanting to Bless suddenly become a blood thirsty DemiGod requiring the deaths and ridged minded books of rules that bring more bondage than liberation ? Is it not Men that have abused God and mis spoken proclaiming themselves to be God's mouthpiece and prophets which then turn This Life of ALL LIFE into a seeming hater and a seeker of needing to be propitiated and appeased in order to not send destruction ? Is it not the mental spin of mans identifications that have mis spoken under the name of being one of Gods prophets that have caused ridged ideologies that bear little resemblance to Gods Nature of simply being the Life of ALL Life and the Blessing of All Blessing. How can mankind blame God for the wars - the polluting of the planet the global warming - the imbalance of nature which is coming out of mankind's greed. This is the nature of the egoist - this is what fuels the fires of me versus them and turning a blind eye to the destruction of this planet which is taking place day by day. Isn't it time to WAKE UP ? Isn't it time to put away the guns and hatred and focus on Healing the planet before all of mankind is lost due to it's nature of greed ? Hatred needs to give way to seeking Understanding - having compassion - coming to balance. Let mankind change from the hardened heart to one that is seeking the BEST for ALL Life - rather than at the expense of other. Can this not become a time of healing rather than another excuse for even more division ? No matter what terrible things were done under the planning of Osama Bin Laden still he was someones son - someones husband - someones father. They are mourning his loss. He was lost in blind hatred who knows the reason why ? It is a time of sadness to see those who rejoice in jubilation at any killing. When will the killing end - when will sanity come back where mankind is seen as Man - Kind with mutual respect and giving the right to worship God as the One God to mankind that wears many faces and celebrates in many varied ways ? OM Shanti
AuthorGuru Swami G Archives
October 2019
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